Summer Programs

Is your child ready for high school?

Attention parents! Is your child struggling with math, reading, writing, or language arts? Alta Career Academy can help! We offer classes to help your child improve in these areas and feel more confident going into the next school year. Our teachers understand that every child learns differently, so they’ll work with your child to find the best way to help them succeed.

College and career readiness
9th grade year impact
9th grade year impact
9th graders vs other grades

Grade Inflation

Grade inflation is a growing concern in education, where students are awarded higher grades than they deserve, leading to a false sense of achievement. When districts hand out As and Bs without students truly mastering the material, it undermines the integrity of education. This practice not only devalues the significance of grades but also fails to adequately prepare students for the challenges they’ll face in higher education and the workforce.

Parents, it’s crucial to ensure that your child is on the right academic path to succeed in high school and beyond. Don’t let them fall victim to grade inflation and the illusion of success it creates. Take proactive steps to assess their true academic progress and ensure they are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed for future success.

Contact Alta Career Academy today at (305) 521-9526 to take the first step toward ensuring your child starts the next school year ready to succeed.

All students take tests. Testing is a part of learning and lets students “show what they know” and what they can do. It helps learners to see what they are aiming for and understand what they need to do to achieve those aims.

      • Testing can identify gaps in student knowledge, which can help teachers adjust to help students master new topics.
      • Testing and self-assessments can help students become more confident.
      • Testing can help boost student motivation and ultimately improve their exam performance.

Alta Career Academy programs start with an ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT. This assessment informs your child’s instructor about their abilities, strengths, and weaknesses so the academic program can be tailored to their specific needs.

Take the first step toward ensuring your child starts the next school year ready to succeed by contacting Alta Career Academy today at (305) 521-9526.

Math Summer Bootcamp

High school math is not a walk in the park. The concepts get tougher, and they build on each other fast. If your teen falls behind, it’s a slippery slope. Even a small delay in homework or understanding can lead to major confusion and frustration. And let’s not forget the stress it puts on you as parents trying to help them catch up. Don’t let them struggle alone – act now to ensure they stay on track!

English Language Arts Summer Bootcamp

Your teen’s success in high school hinges on their reading and writing skills. They’re bombarded with complex texts, heavy workloads, reports, essays, and projects, and if they can’t keep up, they’ll fall behind fast. If your teen is lacking these foundational skills or struggling to keep up, don’t wait! Act now to give your teen the edge they need to excel academically and beyond!

Ensure your child kicks off the next school year with success by reaching out to
Alta Career Academy today at (305) 521-9526.
